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髙木 斗希夫
タカギ トキオ
(Tokio Takagi)
- タイトル
- タイトル(英)
- Multi-body dynamic coupling mechanism for generating throwing arm velocity during baseball pitching.
- 参照URL
- 著者
- 著者(英)
- Kozo Naito,Tokio Takagi,Hideaki Kubota,Takeo Maruyama
- 担当区分
- 概要
- 概要(英)
- The purpose of this study was to identify the detailed mechanism how the maximum throwing arm endpoint velocity is determined by the muscular torques and non-muscular interactive torques from the perspective of the dynamic coupling among the trunk, thorax and throwing and non-throwing arm segments. The pitching movements of ten male collegiate baseball pitchers were measured by a three-dimensional motion capture system. Using the induced-segmental velocity analysis (IVA) developed in this study, the maximum fingertip velocity of the throwing arm (MFV) was decomposed into each contribution of the muscular torques, passive motion-dependent torques due to gyroscopic moment, Coriolis force and centrifugal force, and other interactive torque components. The results showed that MFV (31.6±1.7m/s) was mainly attributed to two different mechanisms. The first is the passive motion-dependent effect on increasing the angular velocities of three joints (thorax rotation, elbow extension and wrist flexion). The second is the muscular torque effect of the shoulder internal rotation (IR) torque on generating IR angular velocity. In particular, the centrifugal force-induced elbow extension motion, which was the greatest contributor among individual joint contributions, was caused primarily by the angular velocity-dependent forces associated with the humerus, thorax, and trunk rotations. Our study also found that a compensatory mechanism was achieved by the negative and positive contributions of the muscular torque components. The current IVA is helpful to understand how the rapid throwing arm movement is determined by the dynamic coupling mechanism.
- 出版者・発行元
- 出版者・発行元(英)
- 誌名
- 誌名(英)
- Human Movement Science
- 巻
- 54
- 号
- 開始ページ
- 363
- 終了ページ
- 376
- 出版年月
- 2017年8月
- 査読の有無
- 査読有り
- 招待の有無
- 掲載種別
- 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題