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妙圎園 香苗
ミョウエンゾノ カナエ
(Kanae Myoenzono)
- タイトル
- タイトル(英)
- Effects of maslinic acid supplementation on perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness and damage in water polo athletes: A randomized, double-blind, cross-over, and placebo-controlled trial.
- 参照URL
- 著者
- 著者(英)
- Takanaga Shirai,Yuki Yamauchi,Kanae Myoenzono,Eisuke Kawai,Keito Suzuki,Seiji Maeda,Hideki Takagi,Tohru Takemasa
- 担当区分
- 概要
- 概要(英)
- BACKGROUND: Olive fruit is rich in bioactive pentacyclic triterpenoids, primarily maslinic acid (MA). Previous studies have demonstrated that MA exhibits anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects; however, it is unclear whether MA intake during training inhibits perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness in athletes. This study analyzed the effects of MA supplementation during athletic training on perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness. METHODS: This randomized, double-blind, cross-over, and placebo-controlled trial involved 12 young, healthy male water polo athletes. After daily training for seven days, they ingested either olive fruit extract, containing 60 mg/day MA, or a placebo. We measured perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness during the intervention using a visual analog scale and inflammatory and oxidative stress-related proteins. RESULTS: Perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness and the area under the curve during the training period were significantly lower (main effect of MA; P < 0.05) following MA supplementation than those for the placebo. MA supplementation during training lowered perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness by decreasing inflammatory factors in water polo athletes. Additionally, we examined the detailed mechanism of MA, added the participant's serum to the culture medium at a 10% concentration to determine inflammation- and oxidative stress-related intracellular signals. Skeletal muscle cells (C2C12) cultured with MA-conditioned serum before and after intervention also suppressed expression of inflammation and oxidative stress-related proteins. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that MA intake not only reduces perceptual fatigue and muscle soreness but also decreases inflammation and oxidative stress in the blood and skeletal muscle.
- 出版者・発行元
- 出版者・発行元(英)
- 誌名
- 誌名(英)
- Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition
- 巻
- 20
- 号
- 1
- 開始ページ
- 2239196
- 終了ページ
- 2239196
- 出版年月
- 2023年1月
- 査読の有無
- 査読有り
- 招待の有無
- 掲載種別
- 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題