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久保田 潤
クボタ ジュン
(Jun Kubota)
- タイトル
- 計量テキスト分析を用いた国内外スポーツコーチング研究の発表演題の特徴分析
- タイトル(英)
- A study on the characteristics of research presentations at the domestic and international sport coaching conferences using a quantitative text analysis
- 参照URL
- 著者
- 久保田 潤,和久 貴洋
- 著者(英)
- Jun Kubota,Takahiro Waku
- 担当区分
- 筆頭著者
- 概要
- The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of research presentation titles presented at the recent domestic and international sport coaching conferences using a quantitative text analysis. This study focused on the conferences from 2014 to 2019 organized by the Japan Society of Coaching Studies (JSCS) and the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health, and Sport Science (JSPEHSS) as the domestic conferences, and the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) as the international conferences. In terms of the differences in the characteristics between domestic and international sport coaching research presentations, those in the JSCS and the JSPEHSS conferences tended to focus more on "athletes" such as competitive sports and athlete performances, while those in the ICCE conferences have focused more on "coaches" such as coach education and development. This may be due to the differences in the positioning or origins of the sport coaching research between Japan and other countries, resulting in the differences in research goal setting. In addition, ICCE Global Coach Conferences' presentations included words indicating women/female coach and coaching women/female athlete/team in the field of high performance sport. Other identified word included coach developer. These may reflect the ICCE's recent emphasis on the development of women/female coaches and coach developers. With regard to similarities in the characteristics of the research presentations in the domestic and international conferences, the case studies and practical researches of sport coaches and coaching were recognized. The results of this study identified the characteristics in the titles of research presentations at the recent domestic and international sports coaching conferences. In addition to enhancing the knowledge that coaches can adopt in their coaching, more researches and discussions to enhance coaches' education and development should be undertaken in the domestic sport coaching conferences.
- 概要(英)
- The purpose of this study was to clarify the characteristics of research presentation titles presented at the recent domestic and international sport coaching conferences using a quantitative text analysis. This study focused on the conferences from 2014 to 2019 organized by the Japan Society of Coaching Studies (JSCS) and the Japan Society of Physical Education, Health, and Sport Science (JSPEHSS) as the domestic conferences, and the International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) as the international conferences. In terms of the differences in the characteristics between domestic and international sport coaching research presentations, those in the JSCS and the JSPEHSS conferences tended to focus more on "athletes" such as competitive sports and athlete performances, while those in the ICCE conferences have focused more on "coaches" such as coach education and development. This may be due to the differences in the positioning or origins of the sport coaching research between Japan and other countries, resulting in the differences in research goal setting. In addition, ICCE Global Coach Conferences' presentations included words indicating women/female coach and coaching women/female athlete/team in the field of high performance sport. Other identified word included coach developer. These may reflect the ICCE's recent emphasis on the development of women/female coaches and coach developers. With regard to similarities in the characteristics of the research presentations in the domestic and international conferences, the case studies and practical researches of sport coaches and coaching were recognized. The results of this study identified the characteristics in the titles of research presentations at the recent domestic and international sports coaching conferences. In addition to enhancing the knowledge that coaches can adopt in their coaching, more researches and discussions to enhance coaches' education and development should be undertaken in the domestic sport coaching conferences.
- 出版者・発行元
- 独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
- 出版者・発行元(英)
- Japan Institute of Sports Sciences, Japan Sport Council
- 誌名
- Journal of High Performance Sport
- 誌名(英)
- Journal of High Performance Sport
- 巻
- 8
- 号
- 開始ページ
- 72
- 終了ページ
- 91
- 出版年月
- 2021年9月
- 査読の有無
- 査読有り
- 招待の有無
- 掲載種別
- 研究論文(学術雑誌)
- 2434-7299
- 共同研究・競争的資金等の研究課題